Ready to integrate EDIB, Indigenous engagement, and evaluation in your strategy and communications?
Diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplaces are more profitable (source). Increasing a sense of belonging has an impact: it results in employees being 50% less likely to leave, 56% more productive, and taking 75% fewer sick days. Workplace well-being should be top of mind for employers concerned about retention since 60% of employees would leave their employer for one that offers more well-being support.
Our experience
We have senior leadership experience in workplace wellbeing, EDIB, mental health, Indigenous engagement, and research and evaluation in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. Go to our team page for more information.
Knowledge areas
Strategic Planning
Program Reviews
Program Evaluation
Indigenous-Centred Evaluation
Customized Resources and Training
Inclusive and Indigenous-Focused Recruitment and Retention Strategies
Annual Reports
How we work
We work with your communications team, EDIB representatives, Human Resources staff and leaders, and other practitioners to develop strategy that is grounded in EDIB, reconciliation, and workplace mental health principles, and supported by evaluation.
Strategic consulting services
Our expertise is in workplace mental health and wellbeing and its intersections with EDIB and reconciliation. We can help you bring life to an existing organizational strategy, acting as a partner to develop workplace programming and commit to realistic action. We are also experts at helping you craft an organization-specific reconciliation action plan that directly connects with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action. We ensure all internal stakeholders feel seen in the strategy.
Why choose our team? In addition to our subject matter expertise in mental health, Indigenous community engagement, EDIB, and applied social psychology, Alicia is a PMP and Scrum-certified project manager. We are supportive, friendly collaborators who will ensure projects are completed on time, on budget, and with a high degree of transparency and efficiency. We will coach you on how to see your strategy through with agile techniques and tools.
Our team applies mixed methods approaches to evaluation. We can help you develop targets/KPIs and the tools needed to assess them, including surveys, interview or focus group questions, and other creative types of evaluation. Most importantly, we ensure evaluation has meaning – that it’s tied to your strategy or goals, and that it informs decision-making. Our practical focus helps ensure buy-in within your organization and maximizes resources.
Inclusive Communications
We specialize in reviewing and editing communications to ensure they are respectful of Indigenous Peoples and have an intersectional lens that supports EDIB principles. This can include helping your organization or team develop personalized, authentic Land Acknowledgements.
We make sure statements don’t forget content warning, we ensure a mention of residential school Survivors includes intergenerational Survivors, and more. Most important, we do this work in a way that always leaves you with bigger questions to consider or next steps you can take to deepen your learning. This is how we work to ensure communications aren’t a one-off/token activity.
We have experience working with non-profits, post-secondary, and various industries (banking, healthcare) to ensure communications are respectful. We are happy to work with you on communications that commemorate Orange Shirt Day / National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, National Indigenous History Month, Indigenous Peoples Day, and International Indigenous Peoples Day, among others. We will ensure communications are accurate in terms of your province’s labour laws (e.g. about the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation), if applicable.
Human Resources Strategy
Recruitment – attracting diverse talent to your mission
Tools for hiring managers and recruiters: inclusive interviews and job design. You can book us to make you an inclusive interview rubric.
Retention – building the right environment for a diverse workforce
Tools for senior leaders: reflection exercises to build your organizational strategy for inclusion.
Tools for human resources staff: inclusive policies and workplace learning, peer support procedures, and identifying relevant external supports for mental health and problematic substance use for your workforce.
Tools for managers: conversation guides to promote open discussions in your team and guide performance and career navigation check-ins.
Tools for occupational health & safety experts: expanding the concept of safety to psychological safety in the workplace in adherence with provincial legislation (e.g., duty to inquire).
You can book us anytime to prepare mental health resources for your employees here.
Manage performance with a competency library
We help leaders and HR teams develop a competency library, leading to transparent, culturally appropriate, and inclusive job descriptions, performance management systems, and clear career pathways. Drawing from expertise in organizational and applied psychology, we work with organizations to develop laddered, interrelated competencies across all levels of the organization.
Role-specific competencies state the knowledge, skills, attributes, and behaviours that are essential for successful performance. This is where we come in. Transparent competencies that are observable can be evaluated. They lead to employee confidence, success, and mastery – all of these lead to retention.
Email to begin talking about how we can help you develop organizational strategy, EDIB and workplace mental health programs, or reconciliation action plans and the evaluation to support these initiatives.